After Barcelona, I went to Carlos’ house in Tenerife. I really should have written about this right after I got back, but time was of the essence. In Tenerife, we drove up Teide (the tallest mountain in Spain). I’d like to hike it some day. There is snow at the top, but you can’t ski down it at all.
Carlos’ grandfather has a banana plantation. Buying local and buying bananas are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
There were several dogs there, including a chihuahua puppy, and a chihuahua mix. Different from goldens, I suppose.
In Tenerife, Carlos and I spent a lot of good time with his friends (who are hilarious), at the pool, and at the beach. There is black volcanic sand on one side of the island in Tenerife.
Carlos’ Parents and his sister Cristina are great. They’re talking about sending her and her friend to Camp Nashoba North this summer.
After Tenerife, I returned to Colegio Mayor San Agustin. The Fiesta de Clausura (end of the year party) was pretty great. I wore the following, which was quite different from the Spaniards’ dress apparel. Apparently bright colors aren’t in yet, but whatever, right? A pink shirt with a green and blue striped tie is reasonably fresh if I do say so myself.
SO. On the plane back from London, I met a girl named Marina. We talked about stuff, and she asked me for my number. You probably know how much I like phones. Well, I gave it to her anyways, thinking, “alright, she’s cool.” I mentioned San Agustin during our conversation, and Milagros (who lives in SanAgus), knows Marina from class. Marina and I hung out for a while until I left for Boston. We still talk. In the summer she’s a camp counselor, and I found her to be considerably more real than some of the other Spanish girls. A few days before I left, we went out for her Birthday. Her friends were great too.
As you can see, halfway through my time in Madrid, I wasn’t to thrilled. People were superficial and there weren’t enough trees. Funny enough, it turns out that there are fun, interesting, down to earth people wherever you go. You just have to look. By being myself in Madrid, and not trying TOO hard to fit in, I ended up hanging out with good people. I never thought I’d miss the city, but Madrid was home to me for four months, and home stays with you.
I miss riding through the streets, dodging traffic, scaring people half-to-death as I found that perfect spot between them as they slowly walk forward just as you have to anticipate.
I miss the kryptonite chain around my neck and my mesh swim bag on my back as I coasted down Avda. Seneca into San Agustin on the bike that I spent oh so much time on.

I miss Irene, Virginia, Ana, Edu, Carlos, Garbiñe, Miguel, Alejandro, Marta, Maite, EVERYONE that made Madrid what it was. It’s a small world, so I know I’ll see someone from SanAgus again, but it might be a long time.
When I got back from Spain, the first thing I did was drive up to Vermont, and run into the woods with Gretchen. We hiked Camel’s Hump and Mt. Mansfield in the two days I was up there, made flounder in parchment paper that was dope with her mom, cousin, and cousins boyfriend, and ran in Lincoln woods.

Hiking Mt. Mansfield, I kept saying “Gretchen, do you hear that? Do you smell that? Can you feel the humidity?” The smell of the evergreens and fresh, clean air was…well…you get it. Nada puede sustituir al mundo natural.

Gretchen now likes to run in Lincoln Woods. Ask her about it. She’ll rave. I would have to agree with everything she says. I’m very fortunate to be able to run there whenever I want.
Before camp started, I drove out to the Zoar to pick up a Pyranha Fusion. I also ran the Dryway (Deerfield) in my NEW FULLFACE HELMET!

I like my teeth, thank you very much.
I (camp) bought that kayak specifically for teaching windsurfing (not paddling after kids in a playboat), and for going on expeditions.
On the way out to the Deerfield, I stopped on Rt. 2 for lunch #1 at a small, but good diner. The menu was good in that I would have gladly eaten anything on it, based on both the quality of the food and the taste. I sat at the counter, and talked to the girl working there about food. Food is good. Mr. Jones (Counting Crows) came on the station, and I heard her singing along. I commented on how good that kind of music is. 90’s rock is spot on. We talked about it for a little bit. On the way home, I stopped back at the same lunch place for more food, and after paying, gave her a CD with the Pete and Mike Band’s stuff on it. Good people deserve good things besides tips, and I figured it was appropriate.
Camp started soon enough, and working without Zack was mind numbing at times. Teaching windsurfing is great, but it can get old. As a result, I brought a new activity to camp: outdoor cooking.
One day, when it was cold and overcast (for once that summer), the kids didn’t want to go out on the lake. I asked, “Well, would you like to make a fire.” I was met with a resounding “YES!” We made a campfire. I brought over bananas, foil, and chocolate chips, filled the bananas with the chocolate, wrapped them in tin foil, and we made chocolate bananas. The kids went WILD over it. It became an activity. Innovation is wonderful. One girl the whole summer didn’t like chocolate bananas. Baffling. Her contemporaries ate it for her.
This summer, Zack and I didn’t get to go to the rapid river, but I figured it was obligatory. I decided to go on my own, but add a little spin to it. This deserves a post of its own.
The summer finished up quite nicely with Pentathlon and camp, but oh MAN was I ready to go back to school.